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With Self-Hypnosis...

You can access the limitless power of Your mind 

You'll remember that
You Are a Divine Being, and
not a victim of circumstances


What's the key to living in this state? You have  to attune your subconscious to the higher qualities of love. You must "Become Love"  ,and then it will radiate out from you until it becomes the natural way that you  move in the world.  It can be a life changing process that transforms your reality.   Don't be surprised when your perception shifts, opportunities show up, healing occurs, and suddenly you're attracting wonderful situations. 

Why  use  Self-Hypnosis?

It's  a well researched,  method for making changes in the subconscious mind. It has been proven to be extremely effective for stopping allergies, building confidence, reducing anxiety, releasing stress,  and much more. Self-Hypnosis is a bridge to your subconscious power.  You'll benefit from learning the concepts both in and out of Hypnosis, so the principles can stick. 

What Happens in Our Class?

Of that voice within..that's saying.. "it's time to connect, to and live from your highest self."   Many others, like you have also heard this call, and are using Self-Hypnosis daily, to Strengthen the link to their inner power.

Are you hearing the call?

We take you through a series of 8 modules to get you back home to yourself.

Back to the You ..thats Above the fear,

Back to the You that's... Beyond the Old Beliefs, 

Back to the You that... Has no limits,

so You can start living from your true, highest self. 

Peak Power is a system of life changing themes that we place into the subconscious every week. We will meet over zoom, and I'll guide you through the process of "becoming" each principle.  Take a look the modules:





Mastering Awareness

This module is the key to another "You" that lives outside of the old programs. You will see, and feel different about life. You will have profound insights, that no book or course could teach. You will begin to free yourself from conditioned behavior patterns.


Mastering Acceptance

Once you can detach from programs that were placed on you, you'll be able to accept things without judging them. You'll understand what living in the present "moment" means, and how life changing it is. Your manifestations will gain power, as well as, your relationships with others will improve. 


Mastering Compassion 

It's  essential to stop the inner critic in it's tracks. Compassion is the antidote to developing a better relationship with yourself. It is a force of love that makes you unstoppable. 


Mastering Worthiness 

If  you can't see the worth in yourself, how can you see it in others. Your worthiness is your unconscious blueprint for success,money, love and fulfilling relationships. 


Mastering Self-Love

Science has shown that the unconscious mind wants you to shine, and appreciate yourself. It is set up for you  to win! This module will help you restore this mindset and apply it in everyday living. 


Mastering Gratitude

Not only does it feel good, but gratitude gets you out of being in victim energy. You will enter into a flow state where opportunities just appear. You will awaken to your potential and rise above negative thinking. 


Mastering Joy 

What's your capacity to feel joy? Do you limit it? Do you place conditions on it, like I'll be joyful when...this happens? Joy is your birthright! The mind wants you to be serious, so it limits your joy, but in this module you'll turn it around. 

You'll be changing your algorthim 

When you tune your inner mind  to a higher vibration and make it your dominant way of being, you start creating a new algorithm.  You create the same process that occurs on your social media timelines, when you "like" content.  Ever notice how  similar videos are sent to you based on your response pattern? Well this happens  in real life with your subconscious!  You start to see, feel, and experience the reality  that's programmed in your mind.  In this program we're going to help you change that. It doesn't mean you won't be challenged, or tested.  It just means you must be committed to the process, and be willing to learn what gets in the way of maintaining the new algorithm. 


Power over the "triggers" that once controlled you.

The secret to turning negative  events in your favor.

Something few people discover...A closer connection to your inner divinity

The ability let go, move away from, and release patterns in the subconscious.

Energy, Vitality, and Genius abilities that exist at higher levels of vibration.

More Self Love, Self-Acceptance, and Comfort with being You.

A deep sense of Trust, in your  Inner Guidance system.

The skill to easily center, ground and quiet yourself anytime you need to. 

 You'll Gain.. 

 Outgrow the past and become  the expanded You

Hear from others 

"I 've learned how to easily relax, get centered and  let my subconscious take over. More people need to experience these sessions, they are trully healing events."

- L. Jackson

"I've discovered how to tap into greater parts of my mind,  I've learned what was holding me back, is not greater than who I am"

- B. Hines

"As an entrepreneur, Dad, and Husband, I've struggled to maintain a balance. Lately, I' haven't been able to think as clear, as I used to. But after the training, my mind has been unclouded, free of confusion, focused and clear!"

- Calvin C

Feel Grouded in support

Meet Your Facilitator 





I created this class for the true seekers; People who have an inner calling to live in alignment with their divine self. I believe everyone should have the ability to connect with their own inner power, and manifest their joy.    

Now is the time!

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